Frequently Asked Questions



What is the Goal of Hospice?

Hospice care is not a cure. Rather, it provides support for patient and family during the final stage of life. Our name, Anodyne, comes from the Greek word meaning "without pain". The primary goal of our hospice care is to ensure that every person may live out his or her life with dignity and free of pain.

When is Hospice Care Appropriate?

Hospice can be considered when one has a life limiting illness or diagnosis with a prognosis of 6 months or less. When you or your loved one says enough is enough. When a disease or condition is no longer responding to treatment then hospice care comes in. Talk to your physician and discuss all other care options that are available, including hospice.

How is Hospice Care Paid For?

Hospice is a Medicare benefit with 100% coverage. This includes our hospice care team, medications related to your illness and any medical equipment you may need in the home. If Medicare is not your insurance, most private insurances have a hospice benefit. Our team is happy to discuss your insurance coverage should you have any questions.


Where is Hospice Care Provided?

Services can be provided at home, in a skilled nursing facility, a residential facility, a board and care facility, or an assisted living facility.



Our Clinical Team & Services Include:


Medical Director

Care Supervisor

Clinical Decisions



Hospice Nurse

Pain Management

Coordination of Care

Monitor, Injections, Lab Work


Hospice Aide

Bathing, Dressing, Grooming



Social Worker





Spiritual Care

Bereavement Support


Coordinate Faith-Based Resources


Therapy Services

Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Speech Therapy




Extended Services



Volunteer Program

Bereavement Program


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